
Stay up to date with the latest developments from the KEENAN Industrial team.

KEENAN Facilitate Increased Demand For UK Seaweed Fertiliser

KEENAN Facilitate Increased Demand For UK Seaweed Fertiliser

Fast organic growth for UK seaweed fertiliser producers, Edwards Agricultural Supplies, led to the purchase of a fully custom-built KEENAN ProMix in a bid to rapidly scale up production to meet increasing demand.

Having used seaweed extract as a fertiliser on their own working farm since 1965, Edwards Agri Supplies are keen advocates of this natural alternative to conventional chemical fertilisers, which they have retailed since 1995 and produced since 2019.

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KEENAN helps facilitate greater efficiency & capacity at feed mill

KEENAN helps facilitate greater efficiency & capacity at feed mill

Agricultural traders and suppliers RD Chesters Ltd. are on a mission to facilitate increased demand for locally sourced animal feeds and KEENAN are playing an important role. RD Chesters has been supplying beef, sheep and dairy farms in Herefordshire and surrounding counties with feeds, seeds, fertilisers and harvest products for over two decades. Managing Director, Owen Thomas, talks through his business plan for expansion.

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